Rili by Banani Sikdar Bengali Novel pdf
e-book name- ‘Rili’,
Written by- Banani Sikdar,
Book genre- Bengali Novel,
File format- PDF,
PDF size- 25 Mb,
Pages- 195,
Quality- HQ, no watermark,

Banani Sikdar is the author of the novel ‘Rili’, which is written based on the life story of the present generation. Rili is the heroine of the novel and Aabhas is the hero. The author has progressed the story of Riley’s life through different stages. Apart from Rili, her mother, and Avas, the characters of Avas’s family members are fleshed out in the context of the story. The plot structure and character development give a different dimension to the outline of Rili’s exceptional life.
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The lifestyle of the youth of the present generation is highlighted in this Bengali novel. Along with this, the novelist’s characterization skill in the novel will impress the readers. This is the second part of the Bibaha Dot Com novel written by this author.
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Dear Readers, collect this novel of the current generation – ‘Rili by Banani Sikdar‘ Bengali book pdf.