Bangla Dehatattwer Gaan by Sudhir Chakraborty in Bangla ebook pdf
e-Book name- Bangla Dehatattwer Gaan
Author – Sudhir Chakraborty
Format- PDF
size- 7MB
Pages- 168
eBook quality- Good
There are many type of music in Bengali folk culture, almost all of these songs has been talking about human body. So to understand these folk songs, own body will learn and understand. In the own body that is constantly changing it will be realize. About 200 kinds of Bengali folk culture songs was influenced by the Dehatattwa like baul gaan, phakiri gaan, dharmatattwer gaan, bichar gaan, marephati gaan, murshidi gaan, srishti tattwer gaan, bhatiali gaan, bhawaiya gaan, sari gaan etc. For more than two decades, Sir Sudhir Chakraborty was with Baul Community and he wrote ‘Baol Fakir Katha’, ‘Bangla Dehatattwer Gaan’, ‘Lalon’, ‘Brata Lokayot Lalon’, Bolahari Sampodai Ar Tader Gaan etc. Now I want to share with you an ebook pdf ‘Bangla Dehatattwer Gaan’.
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