Galpe Upodesh by Mahmudullah Chotoder Bangla Upodeshmulak Boi pdf file
ebook name- Galpe Upodesh
Stories collected by- Mahmudullah
Type- Children literature
File format- PDF
Pages- 127
File size- 18mb
Quality- best, without any watermark
The advice is very much bitter like quinine, by hearing advice not only the children but also elder can get bored. There is no doubt, while you giving advice without any purpose then you will become a
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So hopefully children will enjoy the stories by reading this book and they will find many things here which increase their knowledge and along with these children will get beautiful advice like a diamond chunk. Not only children but also elder readers like this book so much.
There are 25 unique didactic stories for young children.
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Dear friends, now I want to share with you Chotoder Bangla Upodeshmulak boi- ‘Galpe Upodesh’ in pdf file.