Rahasyavedi Meghnad Samagra by Swapan Bandyapadhyay book pdf file
e-book name- Rahasyavedi Meghnad Samagra
Author name- Swapan Bandyapadhyay
File format- PDF
PDF size- 26mb
Pages- 315
Quality- good, without any watermark
Swapan Bandyapadhyay is an author of mysterious, detective, romance, science fiction stories. He was created a detective fiction character Meghnath Bhardwaj who uncover various complex mysteries with his intelligence technique. Notable works of the author are ‘Rahasyavedi Meghnad’, ‘Tibbati Gumphar Rahasya’, ‘Bibhishika Dwipe Sir Styaprokash’, ‘Dragan Paharer Rahasya’, ‘Atanker Dwip’, ‘Saheb Banglor Bhut’ etc. Today I want to share with all my blog readers a Bangla detective story collection book Rahasyavedi Meghnad Samagra.
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Bangla detective book pdf of Rahasyavedi Meghnad Samagra.