Bishwer Shrestha Rahosso Uponyas O Golpo (All Parts) Bangla ebook pdf
ebook name- Bishwer Shrestha Rahosso Uponyas O Golpo (vol- 1 to 8)
Written by- Various authors
Book genre- Translated mysterious novel and the story collection
File format- PDF
Curtesy by- Abhishek Banerjee from Molat group
Quality- not bad, without any watermark

Who does not love to read mystery stories? Almost everybody loves. Now I want to share eight parts of mysterious story and novels collection book- ‘Bishwer Shrestha Rahosso Uponyas O Golpo’.
There are seven mysterious novel in the first part, these are written by-
Chesterton, Connell Dowell, Bentley, Jack Ritchie, Hilda Lorence, and Marich Lebla.
Translated into Bengali by-
Asit Sarkar, Gopal Sharma, Babu Mukhopadhyay, Asit Maitra, Dibendu Bandyopadhyay, and Joyanta Kumar Bhaduri.

1. B.S.R.U. O Golpo Vol- 1
PDF Size- 34mb
Pages- 449
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Three novels are in the 2nd part, and these are written by Agatha Christie, Anthony Barclay, and D. Tarasenkov.
And all the novels translated into Bengali by-
Babu Mukhopadhyay, Narayan Mukhopadhyay, and Rabindra Majumdar.

2. B.S.R.U. O Golpo Vol- 2
PDF Size- 87mb
Pages- 410
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Eight story is in the 3rd part, these are-

3. B.S.R.U. O Golpo, Vol- 3
PDF Size- 95mb
Pages- 441
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There are five story in the 4th part, these are-

4. B.S.R.U. O Golpo Vol- 4
PDF Size- 82mb
Pages- 413
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Five Rahosso Uponyas O Golpo in the 5th part, these are-

5. B.S.R.U. O Golpo Vol- 5
PDF Size- 90mb
Pages- 398
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There are four story in the 6th part, contents are-

6. B.S.R.U. O Golpo Vol- 6
PDF Size- 83mb
Pages- 368
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Five mysterious novels and stories in the 7th part-

7. B.S.R.U. O Golpo Vol- 7
PDF Size- 81mb
Pages- 369
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8th part has two novels, contents are-

8. B.S.R.U. O Golpo Vol- 8
PDF Size- 79mb
Pages- 340
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‘Bishwer Shrestha Rahosso Uponyas O Golpo’ (All Parts) Bangla rohosso golpo pdf free download.
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