Valtairer Upanyas Tr. by Sunilkumar Ghosh pdf
ebook name- ‘Voltairer Upanyas’
Writer- Valtaire (Francois-Marie Arouet)
Translated by- Sunilkumar Ghosh
Book genre- Translated novel collection
File format- PDF
Size- 33Mb
Pages- 408
Quality- good, without any watermark, with a clickable table of content.

Valtaire was a French philosopher as well as a writer, essayist of the luminous era. He has struggled to keep apart the religion and state. Voltaire is not his real name, it is a pseudonym. The real name is Francois-Marie Arouet. He was born in 1694 in Paris.
This great person was not a monarch, he was not a first-class prince, he was not a famous scientist like Galileo-Newton, etc. He was not even a descendant of an aristocratic dynasty of the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries.
Yet he took a special place in our hearts as our absolute loved ones by proclaiming the message of an unborn age of mankind. Pictures of oppression and injustice for ages, the tragic clash of blind faith and extreme intolerance of other religions, the tyranny of cruel human nature, and the cries of despair of helpless weak people – Voltaire’s life is a very realistic picture of all this. He never surrendered to the dictatorial and inhumane powers of the arrogant authorities.
He was not concerned with miraculous religion; He did not have time to think about whether God is merciful or just; Humanism was the biggest religion for him. He held the pen to revive humanism in an age when humanism was being trampled underfoot.
The five stories that are included in this book are part of his vast collection of essays, which give a partial idea of the ideals of his life and the extent of his writing skills. These are-

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