Bharatiya Darshan by Dr. Debabrata Sen, Bengali ebook pdf
ebook name- ‘Bharatiya Darshan’,
Written by – Dr. Debabrata Sen,
Book genre- Philosophy book,
File format- PDF,
Pages- 312,
PDF File size- 21Mb,
Quality- Good, without any watermark

There have been many such communities in the Indian philosophical tradition since ancient times who have enriched the extended Indian tradition through their thinking. Indian philosophy is a combined expression of the traditions of the Indian subcontinent through philosophical thought, among them, are Hindu philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, and Jain philosophy. And Indian philosophy is one of the oldest philosophies in the world.
Indian philosophy has reflected great unity among the diverse. Different philosophical communities in India seem to be members of the same philosophy family, even though there are differences of opinion. No one Indian philosophy has been able to establish itself without respecting the opinion of other communities. Despite the differences of opinion, one community has to know the doctrine of the other community with respect and devotion, because it cannot be refuted without a deep knowledge of the doctrine of the other. In order to refute the opinion of others, it is necessary to read the other’s opinion with respect and before establishing one’s own opinion, it is necessary to refute the opinion of others. Respect and tolerance towards the doctrines of others have given rise to a liberal and comprehensive view of Indian philosophy and the philosophy-discussion method has flowed in one particular sector.
The Indian philosophical traditions discussed in this book are : Charbak philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, Mimangsa philosophy, Adwaita Vedanta philosophy, Vishisthadwaita Vedanta philosophy.
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