Trantratattwa by Shivchandra Bidyarnab Bhattachariya e-book pdf
ebook name- Trantratattwa (part-1 and 2)
Author- Shivchandra Bidyarnab Bhattachariya
File format- PDF
Pages- 598
File size- 16mb
Quality- good, without any watermark
Tantra is a special scripture. There is a lot of meaning in the word ‘tantra’, one is relief or liberation. The creatures is achieved Moksha or liberation by performed pursuit according to Scripture, it is commonly called ‘tantra’. Tantra is the combination of theory and mantra. Tantrik’s belief that the organism can reach a better level by the tantra realization. Today I want to share such kind of spiritual knowledge book- ‘Trantratattwa’ there is part-1 and 2 volumes have been released together.
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