Barbanitader Galpo Ed. by Baridbaran Ghosh Bangla ebook pdf
ebook name- Barbanitader Galpo
Author- Various
Edited by- Baridbaran Ghosh
File format- PDF
Pages- 363
File size- 25Mb
Quality- good, without any watermark
Why does a girl leave the healthy society and go to live a life of sickness scarlet woman, sociologists can answer this question. Crime – Scientists have thought and done different types of thinking about their crimes and the amount of crime in their contraband life. But despite a strong hatred a bitterness, this system is still running the livelihood business in today’s civilized society. We don’t know that depending on socio-socialism, how much of this hate is receivable or inaccessible to them, but with the development of civilization, society has kept some sympathy, some pain, and some consolation for them. In this article, the book editor- Baridbaran Ghosh has rescued some literature or written documents of that sympathy and calmness mentioned in the taboo society. Collect the book- ‘Barbanitader Galpo’ as a pdf file and all the stories in the book are written by various prominent authors such as Rabindra Nath Tagore, Chittoranjan Das, Jagadish Gupta, Manilal Gangopadhyay, Jatirmoyee Debi, Harirarayan Chattopadhyay, Chandra Gupta Marya, Kabita Sinha, Shachindranath Bandopadhyay and many more. There are twenty eight stories in this collection. Table of content-
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Bangla ebook pdf Barbanitader Galpo