Sera Shishu Sathi edited by Sunil Gangopadhyay

Sera Shishu Sathi edited by Sunil Gangopadhyay in Bangla ebook pdf
e-book name- Sera Shishu Sathi
Author- various writers
Edited- Sunil Gangopadhyay
Pages- 322
PDF size- 107mb

Sera Shishu Sathi by Sunil Gangopadhyay

Sunil Gangopadhyay was born on 7th September 1934 and died on 23 October 2012, he was a renowned Bengali writer during the last half of the twentieth century. The Bangla-speaking Indian writer was a poet, novelist, short-stories writer, editor, journalist, and columnist. He has given many memorable compositions to our literary society under the pen names Nillohit, Sonatanpathak, Nil Upadhyay. Now I want to share with all my little friends an ebook pdf ‘Sera Shishu Sathi’ there are various stories in this book and stories are written by various writers and book edited by Sunil Gangopadhyay. This children story book has a wonderful collection of stories, read and share with your friends.
All my little readers, you can collect the ebook pdf of Sera Shishu Sathi.

Dear readers, collect this rare and old collection book for children.

3 thoughts on “Sera Shishu Sathi edited by Sunil Gangopadhyay

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