Golpomoy Bharat by Sushil Jana pdf
Writer- Sushil Jana,
Book genre- Ancient story collection, Children storybook
File format- PDF,
PDF Size- 17mb,
Pages- 270,
Quality- good, without any watermark

Some of the author’s words about the book
This collection of stories begins in the Rig Veda, the oldest specimen of literature, and ends before the beginning of British rule – in the realm of Bengali’s own story. Almost all the literature of this long period is written in verse in Panchali — some in drama, some in Sanskrit prose. The creations of this long time are as unique as it is amazing.
But with absolute shame, it must be admitted that there is no arrangement to introduce our children to the richness of such a wonderful heritage of the nation.
But every civilized nation considers its ancient literary works as objects of respect and pride and so one era is handed over to another era as a valuable legacy. The trend of national heritage flows from time to time in this way and in this way the stream of advanced thought of a nation and the knack of creation proceeded in an uninterrupted stream. The responsibility to protect this noble trend of national character is seen in all civilized nations and various arrangements are made for it- they serve and taste those ancient objects suitable for all ages. Sadly, we are poor, self-absorbed in this regard.
- Readers can collect another collection of short stories of this author-
> Nagare Prantare by Sushil Jana
> Sushil Janar Shreshtha Golpo
But behind this poverty and self-forgetfulness, we have such a rich kingdom, especially the kingdom of storytelling in India! The origin of this genre is not only in our two great epics but we also find more traces of this imagination and creation in the Rig Veda. They are composed according to the life beliefs of the time, rich in dramatic dialogues, and the conflict of ideals with real life is also noticeable.
The author Sushil Jana has tried to present that evolving and universal story kingdom to our children through this book.
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Dear readers, collect this Ancient story collection book ‘Golpomoy Bharat by Sushil Jana‘ Bangla book pdf.