Sahityer Sera Galpo by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay, forever stories collection book pdf
ebook name- ‘Sahityer Sera Galpo’,
Written by – Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay,
Book genre- Bengali forever storybook,
File format- PDF,
Pages- 160,
PDF File size- 1Mb,
Quality- HQ, without any watermark, with a clickable table of content.

The sixteen stories in this collection show how big the world of Bibhutibhushan’s story is. He has shown the tangible man in the reality of art in a multidimensional way, how many types of people in a seemingly eventless life, how many people in one person. Bibhutibhushan seems to have discovered people like archaeologists through excavations. The complex construction of the story has made them history – These natural human beings are the creators of a long history, socio-political-cultural are intertwined in the folds of seemingly solitary life.
As the reader enters the world of Bibhutibhushan’s story, he realizes his reality, in the same way, by transcending reality, it is purified through an ascension, acquires the strength to resist external paralysis in the heat and love of life. This world is a living world. So I go back to this world again and again. Is to go back.
This book contains 16 perpetual stories by the great nature lover storyteller Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. These are-

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Publisher- Deep Prakashan
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