Bangladesher Muktijuddhe Indira Gandhir Bhumika PDF
ebook name- Bangladesher Muktijuddhe Indira Gandhir Bhumika
Writer- Tapan Kumar Dey
Book genre- Documentary book
File format- PDF
Size- 27mb
Pages- 138
Quality- good, without any watermark

Former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi was a political figure who was not only a political figure of India or the Indian subcontinent but also an important figure in world politics. India’s contribution to the war of independence of Bangladesh is undeniable. Shelter for one crore refugees, training and arming of freedom fighters and self-sacrifice of many Indian soldiers – the history of Bangladesh’s independence struggle is written in gold letters. The contribution of the Government of India and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the War of Liberation of Bangladesh has been skillfully highlighted in this book.
There is no way to deny this contribution. It is not possible to compose an accurate history of the liberation war of Bangladesh without mentioning the contribution of India. India’s contribution is everywhere. India’s contribution in war, diplomacy, propaganda, culture everywhere is unexpected. And if they deny this contribution, their self-esteem will be damaged.
But sadly, all the books that have been written about the liberation war of Bangladesh for the last two decades have not mentioned much about the contribution of India. Military aid and political aid have been mentioned separately in some places. Again, behind this help, many people have tried to discover various conspiracies in India. But no attempt has been made to highlight the overall aspect of India’s aid and contribution.
The book is rich in extraordinary information in the context of the liberation war of Bangladesh.
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