Sekale Borolokder Kheyal Khushi by Biswanath Mukhopadhyay bangla book pdf

Sekale Borolokder Kheyal Khushi by Biswanath Mukhopadhyay bangla book pdf
ebook name- Sekale Borolokder Kheyal Khushi
Written by- Biswanath Mukhopadhyay
Book genre- Social and other stories
File format- PDF
PDF Size- 2mb
Pages- 109
Quality- good, without any watermark

Sekale Borolokder Kheyal Khushi by Biswanath Mukhopadhyay

Some words about the Bangla book

From the end of the eighteenth century to the middle of the nineteenth century, this country was familiar with the unthinkable nature of the Babu or the neo-Babu community of Kolkata cum Bengal. pujoachcha, marriage-funeral, dol-durgapujo, yearly activities, even in the mournful moments of the Gangajatra, these ‘Babu’ community used to spend money like Hariloot. In parallel of these, living a stylish life, baizi dances, garden houses, maihofils, bulbous battles, dog-cat marriages, brahmin banquet competitions, water fountains with rosewater, washing house with perfume, betel leaf chew with pearl husk, etc.these were the carefree attitudes of the rich people of that time. Many wealthy people have been swept away in the tide of happiness. They were fancy, in the behaving, in clothing. It can be said that these were an extra special example of the Babu culture of that time.
It is surprising to think that these ‘Babu’ community have wasted huge amounts of money by leaning on others to prove their superiority.

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* Pretatmar Kobole Monishira by Biswanath Mukhopadhyay

This book is about the story of these greedy attitudes of ‘Babu’. Read the book and find out the greedy mood of the ‘Babu’ community of those days.

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Dear readers, now you can collect the informative book about the reputed ‘Babu’ community – ‘Sekale Borolokder Kheyal Khushi by Biswanath Mukhopadhyay’ bangla book pdf.

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