Nirbachita Saras Galpo by Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Bengali book in pdf
ebook name- ‘Nirbachita Saras Galpo’,
Written by– Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay,
Book genre- Saras Galpo collection,
File format- PDF,
Pages- 164,
PDF File size- 11Mb,
Quality- not bad, some pages are light dimmy, without any watermark.

In Bengali literature, there was no shortage of humorous writing. It would be wrong to say that there was no shortage, rather some very high quality. Who can forget Ishwar Chandra Gupta? Who can forget the farces written by Michael, Dinabandhu, Jyotirindranath! Where is the comparison of Hutum Panchar Naksha? Let’s talk about Bankimchandra. We can no longer compare the brilliant jokes and humor writings that are scattered in various places in Bankim’s novels and short essays! Trailokyanath? Is there a second one? And Rabindranath! There is no need to hold a pen to prove the superiority of the taste, nobility, elegance of humor in Rabindranath.
The humor did not disappear from Bengali literature after Rabindranath. We have found several notable outstanding writers whose writings have enriched this particular branch of Bengali literature. For example, Parashuram is a separate chapter.
However, it must be admitted that Prabhatkumar Mukherjee is unique and one of the best humorous writers in Bengali literature. his story of humor is still good to read, his respect has not diminished, because-
First, the structure of these stories and their format is extremely nice. Secondly, the presence of family, domestic, fairly familiar people in Prabhatkumar’s humorous stories that’s makes us very curious. Thirdly, the satire in his succulent composition is never too sharp or intense. All this is available, but not very high. Subtly, in a succulent way and without hatred. Also particularly noteworthy is the language of Prabhatkumar. How well the language of humorous writing can be chosen can be understood by reading the stories of this author carefully. The book edited by Bimal Kar.
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