Bharatiya Aryo Sahityer Itihas by Sukumar Sen in PDF

Bharatiya Aryo Sahityer Itihas by Sukumar Sen Bangla eBook in PDF

Book name- Bharatiya Aryo Sahityer Itihas
Author- Sukumar Sen

Format- PDF
size- 25MB
Pages- 289
eBook quality- excellent

Bharatiya Aryo Sahityer Itihas by Sukumar Sen

Sukumar Sen (16 January 1901 – March 3, 199) was a linguist and literary scholar. He was born at Goyabagan in Kolkata. His father Harendra Nath Sen was an advocate in Burdhaman Court and mother Naliny Debi. In 1919, his IA Graduated with Bengali, Sanskrit, logic, and mathematics in the first division from Burdhaman Raj Collage. He obtained his Ph.D. in Aryan historical research. His notable works are “Bhashar Itibrito”, “Women’s Dialect in Bengali”, “Bangla Sthannam”, “Bangla Sahityer Itihas”, “Bangabhumika” etc. Today I’ll share with you, his Bangali book “Niranjaner Prithibi”. Get eBook Niranjaner Prithibi in PDF. Today I’ll share with you, his Bangali book “Bharatiya Aryo Sahityer Itihas”.

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*Readers can collect one more article written by this author-
> Bangla Sahityer Itihas (all parts) by Sukumar Sen pdf

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