Panchapradip by Bani Gupta, Bangla story book pdf
ebook name- ‘Panchapradip’,
Written by- Bani Gupta,
Book genre- Short-Story collection,
File format- PDF,
Pages- 219,
PDF File size- 11Mb,
Quality- good, without any watermark, with a clickable table of content.

Mrs. Bani Gupta is a history student. She has previously written ‘Chheleder Babar’, ‘Chheleder Jahangir’, ‘Chheleder Aurangzeb’, and ‘Singhalkumari Padmini’ based on original and authentic history books in fluent language for children and adolescent. Although these are base on history, there is a considerable amount of literary sense and vast vision in these writings.
The stories she has included in the present book are her own independent works. But these are not the stories of the crisis of modern life. Most of the stories have touches of history. Although some of the stories are connected with modern times, these are above the real details of modern times and all crises and based on the shadows of the forgotten times.
She has read history with perseverance and respect for a long time. As a result, a dreamy environment of different eras of Indian history has been created in her mind. And she has tried to shape that dreamy environment through her various stories.
So it can be said without any doubt that the readers will get a clear taste of different eras of Indian history through these stories. The works like ‘Avartan’, ‘Sphatikpatra’, ‘Tamoso Ma Jyotirgamaya’, ‘Kanthahar’, ‘Panchapradip’, etc. have gained the status of particularly successful and humorous stories.
This is the author’s first collection of short stories. There are a total of eleven stories, these are-

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Dear Readers, collect this history base Short-Story collection book- ‘Panchapradip by Bani Gupta’ Bangla story book pdf.