Julverne Rachana Samagro Bangla Translated Book pdf free download
ebook name- ‘Julverne Rachana Samagro’,
Written by- Jules Verne,
Translator- Professor Lokman Hosain
Book genre- English book translated in Bengali,
File format- PDF,
PDF Size- 31Mb,
Pages- 1007,
Quality- HQ, without any watermark, clickable table of contents

Julverne and his creation:
Nantes is an island in the French countryside. Julverne was born on the island on February 8, 1800. He received his primary education at Nantes Primary School. Then the highest degree from the university. He became a lawyer after passing the law. In a short time, he gained a great reputation in the legal business due to his ability and well-behavior, as well as earning money. But Julverne is not like all other ordinary people. He does not like this monotonous life and does not like the truthful and false strategies for earning money in this profession.
Julverne’s mind is scientific. He is immersed in new thoughts. Strong interest in learning about adventurous sea expeditions. At that time Julverne wanted to know a lot about science books and science discovery. This endless pursuit and conviction took him to the imaginary world of science. He flies in the real sky of science with the wings of all the impossible imaginations. His pen smeared with magic. Whatever he writes with a pen becomes more true than true. He became an unrivaled writer in the world of science fiction.
Many of today’s discoveries have been described long ago in Julverne’s pen. He did not sail the seven seas. He did not measure the size of the earth by boarding a plane. He did not wander in the forest-forest-forest-valley to uncover the unknown information of the world. What he has done, what he has written, sits in his own room in solitude. He rode in the chariot of imagination. Not in reality. But what an unimaginable power he had.
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His book, Mysterious Island, is a wonderful science fiction book that captivates the reader. There has been a film about this story. The viewers all over the world were thrilled to see it, it seemed to be happening in reality.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Nautilus, Black Diamond, Around the World in Eight Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Five Weeks in a Balloon, The Crescent of the Island, From the Earth to the Moon, Round the Moon, The Secret of the Island, The Steam House, A Floating City, Adventures of Captain Hatters, The Master of the World, The Begum’s Fortune, Experiment of Doctor Ox, The Purchase of the North Pael, etc. are Julverne’s greatest achievements. World-famous Jules Verne died on March 24, 1905, in Amiens, USA.
Bangla language is a world-recognized language today. Nowadays Julverne’s writings are also published in this Bengali language. His works have already been translated by Bengali translators. However, these translations did not accurately portray Julverne. Although there is not possible the actual translation of the original literature. Still, some translators have tried to keep it as precise as possible.
The translation book ‘Julvern Rachana Samagro’ is shared in this post. This book is an attempt to translate Jules Verne’s work properly.
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Dear readers, collect this English book translated in Bengali- ‘Julverne Rachana Samagro‘.