Premchand Galpo Sangraha bangla ebook pdf
ebook name- Premchand Galpo Sangraha
Writer name- Munshi Premchand
Book genre- Translated stories
File format- PDF
PDF Size- 53mb
Pages- 665
Quality- best, without any watermark

Munshi Premchand is one of the most successful writers in Hindi and Urdu languages of the twentieth century. He was a prolific writer of Urdu and Hindi literature. His real name is Dhanpat Rai, but he is more famous as Munshi Premchand. This emperor of the Hindi novel also called the father of modern Hindi literature.
When ‘Bare Gharki Beti’ was published in 1910, he gained a permanent seat in Urdu literature. His greatest novel is Godan. Almost all of his literature has been translated and widely read in Bangla.
So Premchand is not just known by Bengali readers, rather a name of utmost respect. Pramchand himself was deeply respected and fond of Bangla literature and literary creators. The interest of Bengali readers towards his life and literary work has increased more and more. Keeping in mind the growing interest, the West Bengal government decided to translate his stories in Bangla language in the birth centenary of Premchand. There was special care taken to ensure that the taste of the story intact but the translation was not detached from the original.
**Dear readers can collect also- ‘Premchand Nirbachito Golpo Sangraha‘.
There are seventy-seven stories in this translated book- ‘Premchand Galpo Sangraha’. These are-

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Dear reader of Bengali literature, collect this Bengali translated stories collection book- ‘Premchand Galpo Sangraha‘ bangla ebook pdf.
This book is incomplete.. please check.. love to read Munsi Premchand..
@Meenakshe Paul, Sorry for wasting your valuable time, you are a valuable reader of this blog. And thanks for this information. We have to change the pdf and it has full stories as is in the table of content. Please Download the pdf again.