Bhoutik O Aloukik Kahini by Gopal Chandra Roy pdf book download
ebook name- Bhoutik O Aloukik Kahini
Writer name- Gopal Chandra Roy
Book genre- ghost stories
File format- PDF
PDF Size- 8mb
Pages- 161
Quality- best, without any watermark
When people die and appear again then we usually call it the ghost. But there is a difference of opinion about the existence of this ghost in all the people of the world. One group said – there are ghosts. The other party said – there is no ghost.
Dear readers, you can collect more books about ghosts or horror stories from this below-
*Desh Bidesher Bhuture Bari by Subhadeb Chakraborty
*Bhoutik Aloukik by Tridib Kumar Chattopadhyay
*Shatabarsher Shrestha Bhoutik Kahini
*Sotyi Bhuter Galpo
*Bhowtik Galpa Sankalan
*Adbhut Jata Bhuter Galpo
*Bhoutik Samagra by Hemedrakumar Ray
*Bhoutik Amonibus by Dr. Partha Chattopadhyay
*Bhautik Majar Majar Galpa
*Nirbachita Bhuter Galpo
*Bhayal Bhoutik
*Prithibir Shreshtha Bhuter Galpo
*Shatabdir Sera Bhuter Galpo
*Shatabarsher Shrestha Bideshi Bhoutik Kahini
*Dui Shataker Shreshtha Bhoutik Omnibus
*Bhoutik Omnibus by Adrish Bardhan
*Shuktarar 101 Bhuter Golpo
However, there is a lot of disagreement among the people about beyond theory or after death, but in all civilized countries, there are many kinds of literature that have been created since ancient times with ghosts. like our Atharva Vedas, there are not only ‘stories of ghosts’, but also there are many scary mantras of ghosts. There are also many horror stories in Sanskrit literature and Pali Prakrita literature. And many modern Indian languages have written a lot of ghost stories. All the great writers in the Bengali language like- Rabindranath, Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Tailokya Nath Mukhopadhyay, Abanindra Nath Tagore, Promod Chowdhury, Manindralal Basu, Monilal Gangopadhyay, Phanindra Paul, Hemendra Kumar Roy, Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, Shailoja Nanda Mukhopadhyay, and many more wrote a lot of attractive ghost stories. It may not be that all of these writers saw the ghost face-to-face. Some of them may have written stories of ghosts as mere stories. But the author Gopal Chandra Roy knows such the Bangladeshi writers who did not write stories about ghosts or spirits but they have seen the ghost and with the help of planchet, they collected answers to many questions from the dead person’s soul.
This book was compiled with such ghost stories which were witnessed or believed by the Bengali writers.
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Dear readers, you can collect attractive real ghost stories collection book– Bhoutik O Aloukik Kahini by Gopal Chandra Roy‘ Bangla pdf book download Bangla bhuter galpo.